



1: 名無しのアニゲーさん 2022/01/28(金) 12:22:20.45 ID:MFJxikRuM
no title





So they wrap the game up, but suddenly it is revealed that the Liar Game was created because a friend of the creater was killed by the CCP. But it doesnt stop there. Actually everyone has a heart. The previous ruthless people are actually nice and just created the Liar Game to promote humanity. They said they have chosen Japan because that is one of the few countries that doesnt have any conflicts and really peaceful but the neighbours are really bad.
This doesnt even make any sense, because the other 200 chapters showed that most people dont care, everyone fights for themselves. A bit like the criticism that Squid Game had. But then the last chapter somehow was "oh lol no."
And in the end they upload the hopeful movie just to find out the CCP can even delete it from YouTube.

The End.

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